Thursday, December 4, 2014

SDR #2 Remake (Assassins creed Victory Announced

On November 11th 2014 Ubisoft Montreal's 'Assassins Creed Unity' was released with a large amount of bugs, so much they are giving away the $20.00 DLC Assassins Creed: Dead kings. Now just under a month later the Gaming News website Kotaku has leaked the next game in the 'Assassins Creed' franchise, 'Assassins Creed: Victory' set to be in Victorian-Era London, England (That ranges from 1830s to 1901 most likley late 1800s from the apearance of electricity), and it will be running of a modified version of Ubisoft's engine "Anvil Next" used in 'Assassins Creed: Unity', the most notable change is it will not be developed by Ubisoft Montreal instead it will be developed by Ubisoft Quebec as announced Summer 2014

Ubisoft Quebecs comments on the leak
"It is always unfortunate when internal assets, not intended for public consumption, are leaked. And, while we certainly welcome anticipation for all of our upcoming titles, we're disappointed for our fans, and our development team, that this conceptual asset is now public. The team in our Quebec studio has been hard at work on the particular game in question for the past few years, and we're excited to officially unveil what the studio has been working on at a later date. In the meantime, our number one priority is enhancing the experience of Assassin's Creed Unity for players ".

There are Multiple features confirmed with pictures lets begin.

The first things i want to be talking about is the features that will be returning and apear to be returning,
It is already confirmed via Pictures that the customization options will be returning with a few slight changes instead of customization options being in the pause menu it looks as if you have to go to an actual shop instead(Shown in Image 3), it also looks like the crowds will be returning from the images shown below. No news on "Parkour Up" and "Parkour Down". Now to the new features, the biggest feature revealed so far is the "Grapling Hook" that is an item that you will be able to carry around (Seen in image #2), no news on how this will exactley how it will work but when it is revealed we will update. Finnaly we talk about the final feature Carraige/Train top Battles which is pretty much what it sounds like, No news on how this will be implemented,
 I was thinking that it may be a failed BlackBox misson (Optinal missons to unlock Escapes, Special Assassinations, or Distraction). To close off the topic we will talk about the graphics which look to be a deffinate upgrade (especially seen in image #1's Sunset).  Please reply in what you think or what you would like to see in the game



   (Why is there an XP bar at the right of the Mini map)

Expected Rating
Assassins Creed Unity Reveiw
Kotaku's Original post

Sunday, November 16, 2014

NTGR #1 Assassins creed Unity, Nov 15th 2014

AssassinsCreed:Unity is a fun game but lacking in parts the Graphics and gameplay are very good but the main plot seems to drag along at time just going from one misson to the next (See more in Plot Section)

The main plot puts you in the hood of Assassin "Arno Victor Dorian" whose father dies when he at the age of 8 so he is taken in by a templar, and events lead to events and arno ends up in the Assassins, The begining of the game is very cool up until about sequence 4 then it seems the missons just start getting more boring and the same thing over and over until it hits about sequence 8 then the strings start connecting and it gets better, I found it kind of confusing at times because you just keep going back and forth,  although its not as intresting as the other Assassins creed games it is enjoyable at times.

Graphics & Audio

The engine and graphics are superb by far besting blackflags the audio also sound better but when it comes to themes and music its not very memorable, mostly because theres only music at certain spots ("Cut scenes, 1 minute into the main menu, Certain Missons, and fights") but it sounds and looks like a complete over haul

This game by far out does previous games the 3 main pillars of the game have been redone Stealth, Parkour, Combat. For the stealth they finaly added a crouch button and wall hug that can be used for a cover the cover these make stealth alot more interesting and fun, now it is no longer the games falt you got caught they also borrowed the "Last Known Position" from SplinterCell and it makes it much eaiser to lure enemies, the second parkour is alot more fun also now instead of straight up a wall just to jump in a hay stack you can use a much more horizontal aprouch with the "Parkour Up" and "Parkour Down" Buttons it makes it alot eaiser to get down from buildings but best of all you look awesome doing it, they also added the "High Ground" Feature is any one noticed if your standing at the top of a Sychronization point in AC:3 and 4 you can see the icons for all the locations around you, now if your on a roof top you can see all the buildings around you icons on screen, this brings us to Combat they have changed this alot also basicly now the parry cant be insta-kill counter attack now you can only attack and no more chaining kills its very hard to explain but one major thing i dont like about the combat is now all you need is an amazing weapon. They also added a new stealth weapon "The Phantom Blade" its a wrist mounted crossbow but the ammo is so expensive its rarly worth the hastle.

They have added aton new customizaztion options now your can change most thing about your Assassin (Hood, Chest, Gauntlet, Waist, Legs, Colors) Most of those are pretty self explanitory but there is one disapointing thing the "Colors" isnt like you get to choose the color of your hood and other items its preset Color Pallets, I found that very anoying and kinda missleading since when the game was anounced they had a "Make your Assassin" Program on their Website, but its not that bad the pallets are actualy pretty good

The game is huge it has alot of side quests and the city is humongous


Buy Assassins Creed Unity on Amazon