Some of you may have seen my AssassinsCreed: Unity reveiw, but i am rewriting that because i have achived %100 sync, now thats out of the way lets begin.
ACU Was the first Next-gen exclusive AC game with some disapointments and in some cases living up to its promise, AC:U was was announced with a Army of promises and then launched with a vast array of gliches from Freezing to being able to not even launch the game, BUT I was suprised how much I did enjoy this, The Graphics were nice in their own style and the Controlled Ascent/Desent were useful when you get to the main story of the game i found myself bored, most of the game felt like a "Who done it" just searching for Arnos Adoptive fathers killer and the modern day plot was absolutley horible, its fun to play the modernday missons just there is no point what so ever, however I found the side missions (Paris Stories, Social Clubs, Cafe Theatre) extreamly fun, and the collectibles addictive, Paris is a decent size with alot more buildings open than I expected, I also found the armory extreamley under whelming with few "Top of the line" Peices, The Color scemes are not vast enough either, but when it comes down to it I loved Unity.
Back to graphics and they are quite a site, i wouldnt go as far to say that they are "lifelike" because of the yellow tint and the fog but they have theyre own style which i like
Thank you
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